Student Voices

Want to know what it’s truly like to be an international student at your dream school? Read about the current experiences of real international students studying in the USA right now. Learn from them what it’s like to be in U.S. classrooms, make friends, get a job, and more.

My Summer Road Trip Adventure Around the U.S.

My Summer Road Trip Adventure Around the U.S.

Student blogger Pietro Rossini from Italy took an American road trip this summer (as soon as he was fully vaccinated!) with friend and fellow Xaverian Missionary Diego. They visited Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Wash...

How Seattle Changed My Perspective

How Seattle Changed My Perspective

Mel Kanbur from Turkey moved to Seattle, WA, at 17 years old with strong opinions about other people. Through exposure to Seattle’s diversity, she learned to be more open minded.

How the U.S. Permanently Altered My Life

How the U.S. Permanently Altered My Life

Johnny Nezha was born in Albania, grew up in Italy, and now lives and studies in Los Angeles, California. He is inspired by feeling “the young blood pumping through this country’s veins.”

What Are Your Healthy Distractions?

What Are Your Healthy Distractions?

What do you do when you feel stressed, tired, lonely, estranged, fed-up, at sea? Have you ever felt like “I need an escape?” Create your own “escape window!”

Category: StudyUSA Blog
July 2nd, 2021
Cooking During the Pandemic

Cooking During the Pandemic

Apple Wong is currently an English-language student at Seminole State College in Sanford, Florida. She writes about cooking for her children during the pandemic, baking a cake for a friend, and the lessons she learned. Apple says, “I cook for my fami...

Personalized Education

Personalized Education

St. Francis College is a huge family, and as a family we care about one another. So, if you ever get accepted at SFC, I can give you my word that you won’t feel lonely or left behind.

What I Would Say Today to My Younger Self

What I Would Say Today to My Younger Self

Live life to the fullest and try all the possible things you have planned, which might take a while to achieve, but it is all about organization, perseverance, and embracing the journey.

Category: StudyUSA Blog
June 11th, 2021
Looking for an Internship? You’ve Got This!

Looking for an Internship? You’ve Got This!

Even though I am an international student, my design portfolio, creativity, and ambition to gain real-life experience helped me get the internship, and I am beyond happy I took one step further to become the architect I envision myself.

My Little Dream

My Little Dream

Dreaming is sometimes very amazing. When one of my dreams comes true, I think it is the result of destiny

Category: StudyUSA Blog
May 24th, 2021
Friendship in Pandemic Times

Friendship in Pandemic Times

Eye contact, a sincere smile, and a warm hug were the three ingredients I needed to start a friendship when I was a child. Over time, that list of elements began to grow, but I never thought I would add 6-ft-distance, a mask, and a video call.

My Next Road Trip Adventure: Yosemite National Park

My Next Road Trip Adventure: Yosemite National Park

Don’t be afraid of picking a place you’ve never been before, instead be eager to explore new areas where you can collect the best memories and be inspired by them at the same time! So far I feel ready to take on this new adventure, and I cannot wait...

Category: StudyUSA Blog
May 18th, 2021
A New Journey Is About to Begin

A New Journey Is About to Begin

I am excited to be in this new reality and enjoy as much as I can at this stage of my life. It will definitely require more focus, work, determination and study, but I am hoping to absorb as much information as possible so I can be prepared to be the...

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