Considering an Arts Program?
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If you are looking for a boarding school in the USA that offers art, there are a few things you should consider. Most art study programs are either offered in a class or as an activity. You may have a passion for art, or you may just want to experience it, therefore it is important to match the level of your ability with what is offered at the school.
There are many traditional boarding schools that have strong academic curriculums and also have great art programs. It is common to find classes offered in the performing arts, such as dance, theater, and music, and the visual arts which includes painting, film, photography, and fashion design, and more.
If the arts are a part of your school criteria, then request the school’s viewbook. Along with the school’s website, you will get a good idea of their programs. It is also important that you research the faculty members that oversee the art programs in order to familiarize yourself with their areas of expertise. For the same reasoning, it is important to know which art schools their alumni are attending.
Another way to refine your school search is the school’s location. Is it located near a city that is rich in the arts? Will you have access to museums and theater?
Nicole Moon
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