Top Reasons to Study in Canada
For students interested in studying abroad, Canada is a safe, open and tolerant multicultural society with a unique education system that offers a rich variety of academic programs.
Learn about studying in Canada with information about how to get your visa, Canada’s education system, student housing, university options, and more.
For students interested in studying abroad, Canada is a safe, open and tolerant multicultural society with a unique education system that offers a rich variety of academic programs.
Canada has been proclaimed the most notable nation on the planet for the third successive year. Not only bringing home the general title, but Canada also guaranteed the leading spot in classifications from "best country to live" to &qu...
English or French? The short answer is both. English and French are both Canada’s official languages, with 56.9% of the population considering English their first language and 21.3 considering French their first language. However, that doesn&rs...
Many international students are choosing Canada as their destination to study, and it’s no wonder why. Canada offers excellent educational programs, natural wonders, multicultural society, and an affordable cost of living.
When deciding where to study, the international aspect of a university is a factor in one way or another. It may be because we want to know if there will be other students from our home country, or maybe we just want to know what kind of community we...
Not only does Canada have one of the best education systems in the world, with The Master Portal ranking it in 7th place, but Canada is also, not surprisingly, one of the most educated countries. This may in part be due to the efforts the Canadian go...
One of the most intimidating parts about choosing where you are going to study, besides the university, is trying to decide where you’re going to live. Should you stay on campus? Should you rent a place? What if it’s too expensive? If you...
When students start considering an international education, some of the more obvious choices are usually the United States, United Kingdom, France, Australia and Germany (in that order, according to UNESCO Institute of Statistics). But, there is one...
Know about the US and Canadian University before you plan to take admission. Click on the link and find out the country that best meets your requirements.
Trying to find the ten most beautiful universities in Canada was simultaneously extremely easy and difficult. First, because there are about 96 universities in Canada, and too many of them look amazing. Second, because multiple sources have tried to...
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