Pace ELI international student interview in Japanese & English

Pace ELI international student interview in Japanese & English

Nov 18, 2013
  1. Please tell us your name, where you are from, and how long you studied at the Pace English Language Institute.My name is Keisuke Takahata. I’m from Japan, and I have studied in the ELI for 4 month. 高畑圭佑です。日本から来ています。ELI には4か月います。
  2. How did you first hear about the English Language Institute? I first heard about the ELI from an online school search.最初, 海外の大学付属の語学学校を見つけるウェブサイトで ELI を見つけました。
  3. Which level of English did you start at (intermediate, advanced, Pre-Graduate,etc.) and which levelare you in now? Is there a class you liked/helped you the most? Why? I started from advanced class, and I have studied English there for 2 month. After that, I took Pre- Graduate class, which is more academic level, and I studied there for 2 month. I am taking vacation for one and half month right now. 最初は advanced class という上級クラスで 2 か月、英語の基礎を勉強していました。その後、 Pre-Graduate class という主に大学院を目指す人達が集まる advance class よりさらにレベルア ップしたクラスで 2 か月英語の勉強をしました。今は、約 1 か月半の休暇をとっています。 ELI では、3 学期クラスを取ると休暇がとることができます。もちろん、休暇を取らず、続 けて ELI のコースを取ることも可能です。
  4. Which areas of English did you want to improve in our program? How do your teachers help you?Before I came to the ELI, I wanted to improve my speaking, and listening skills. Since I have taken some classes in the ELI, many teachers have helped me to improve these English skills and I could improve my English. ELI に来る前、スピーキングとリスニング力を伸ばしたいと思っていました。いくつかの ELI のクラスを受けていたので、多くの先生達が私の語学学習を手助けしてくれて、私は英 語を向上することができました。
  5. Please tell the audience what you like about the English Language Institute Program. Think about the teachers, your classmates, the activities, the extra services (language lab, writing center, etc.).If you are still thinking which school you should go to, you should definitely choose here because all of teachers are very kind to the students and they help them until they understand. Also, there are so many classmates from all over the world and they will make you incentive to study English harder and they will be good friends. Moreover, the ELI has many activities for the students. Once you join the activities, mostly Daniel, but sometimes other teacher teaches the students about the history of NYC, people in NYC, good ice cream shops in NYC and something other stuff you can be interested in. If you want to study hard, the ELI has many good facilities for study, such as library which opens until night, writing center, which helps you to write essay and other papers, and language lab, which is the room where you can improve your English pronunciation. Going to the ELI is definitely worth it! もしどの学校に行こうかと考えているなら、私はこの ELI を強くおすすめします。なぜなら、 先生たちはとても丁寧に英語を教えてくれ、生徒たち全員がきちんと理解するまであきらめ ず最後まで面倒を見てくれます。また、世界中からくるクラスメイト達と仲良くなることも でき、お互い刺激しあいながら英語の学習に集中して励むことができます。さらに、ELI に は多くの課外活動があります。この課外活動に参加すれば、ELI の先生がニューヨークの歴 史や現地の人、おいしいアイスクリーム屋、そして興味が湧くようなものなどたくさんのこ とを教えてくれます。もし勉強をたくさんしたければ、夜遅くまで開いている図書館や、主 に文法などを教えてくれるライティングセンター、そして英語の発音を練習することができ るランゲージラボのような多くの施設があります。本気で英語を勉強するなら ELI に行く価 値ありです!!
  1. Why did you decide to continue at the English Language Institute after your first session?Because here is the perfect place for study, meet new people, and spend time. I could think I want to study here again. なぜならここは、勉強や新しい出会いなどに完璧な場所で、もう一度、ここで勉強したいと 思えたからです。
  2. Please share with us your favorite place near the Pace University campus. Why do you like to spend time here?I am not sure it is near the Pace University, but I like Brooklyn Bridge Park. I always watch the buildings in Manhattan and East river from there and I like spending time there.

    ペース大学から近いかどうかはわかりませんが、ブルックリンブリッジパークが好きです。 いつもそこからマンハッタンの建物を見ています。ただそこで時間を過ごすことが好きです。

  3. What makes NYC a great place to study and learn English?People in NYC! Food in NYC! Parks in NYC! All things encourage you to work hard and take a rest sometimes. Here, we can experience a lot. ニューヨークの人たち、食べ物、公園などすべてが自分を刺激し、時には楽しんだり..... ここでは何でも経験することができます。

 9. If there is anything else you would like to share about your experience in NYC or studying at the ELI that you think is important for students to know, please feel free to write it here. The ELI is perfect place for people who want to study English hard. Although teachers will give you a bunch of homework, it will make your English skills improve. And also, there are many people from different countries, so you can study not only English, also you can experience different culture. Once you come here, you will find the new you and you could change as a good. ELI は勉強を本気でしたい人に本当におすすめです。毎回、多くの課題を出されますが、そ れによって英語の能力が大きく向上します。また、様々な国から来ている多くのひとがいる ので、語学だけでなく、異文化も学ぶこともできます。一度ここに来れば、新しい自分を見 つけ、そして大きく成長できると思います。   Click here for more information about Pace University's  English language Institute

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