Improve Your English While Pursuing A Higher Education at ASU

ASU is home to Global Launch, one of the nation’s largest intensive English programs. Students of all ages and cultures make their way to Arizona State University to perfect their English skills and immerse themselves in the American way of life.
“For the last 40 years, we’ve served students from more than 160 countries, coming from countless backgrounds and experiences” - John Deal, Associate Director at Global Launch
As one of the nation’s largest universities, ASU is of interest to students across the world from places such as Japan, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Indonesia, Sout Korea and more. The purpose of Global Launch is always to make sure international students are equipped to not only meet the school’s expectations but also to succeed in their respective degree programs.
For Ryan Sierady, a student majoring in Computer Science at Universitas ESA
Unggul in Indonesia, study abroad was his dream since high-school. This past summer, Ryan was able to attend Global Launch as part of the ASU-Cintana Summer Experience program:
“I got inspired from any kind of different culture and the rapid technological advances, and a few months ago, my university in Indonesia offered me to attend the immersion program in ASU. like the teaching quality because its different from the teaching style that I ever got, and the content of the class never boring for me, because it force us to keep doing a critical thinking, and that is what I like!” said Sierady.
Ryan enjoyed ASU because of the comfortable environment, the good education system and for the ability to learn more about sustainability. Ryan also enjoyed his visit to the Thunderbird School of Global Management and because of this program, Ryan is interested in studying Global Management in the future.
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