Getting Involved at the University of Arizona

Uprooting, emigrating and becoming a University of Arizona Wildcat
As an international student, it was important to me to go to a school with a strong sense of community. I was worried I would have a hard time making friends; however, it turns out I had nothing to worry about. I genuinely feel like a part of the University of Arizona (UA) community, and that is because I decided early on to get involved with as many organizations as I could.
I joined a sorority
As a freshman, the first thing I did was go through sorority recruitment. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Greek life is one of the most American things I can think of, and we have nothing like it in Norway. Going through this experience was one of the best things I could have done. I met so many incredible women, and suddenly I went from having zero friends or acquaintances to 400.
Obviously, I did not know every single member of my sorority right away but seeing familiar faces around campus made a huge school seem smaller. As a junior, I am still an active member of my sorority. It is also nice to have somewhere to eat lunch and dinner every day, and there are always multiple people to sit with.
I’m a UA ambassador
I am involved with Arizona Ambassadors and Eller Ambassadors as well. As a member of these organizations, I am a tour guide for the main campus and the business school, Eller. I get to show off our beautiful campus and impressive business school to prospective students. As someone who loves to meet new people, these positions are perfect for me.
Both organizations have fantastic communities. As a new member, you go through extensive training to learn how to give the best tours, and you get to know the other members. You also get a family within the organization. Your big/family acts as a mentor(s) or a big brother or sister in the organization. Monthly meetings and events also help you get to know more members and allow you to network with like-minded people.
I belong to a couple of clubs
I am also part of two student clubs at UA. MISA is specific to my major, the full name of the club is Management Information Systems Association. This club helps me with class material, job opportunities, and is a great way to network. The second club I am part of is ESS — Elevation Ski and Snowboarding. It is a fun club to be a part of, skiing was a big part of my life at home in Norway, and it is nice to meet people with the same hobby as me. Even though we live in Arizona, ESS hosts many great events and organizes different ski trips.
I love being involved
All these organizations definitely keep me busy, but that is how I like it. I feel like I am making the most out of my college experience, and I have met so many friends that I am confident I will have for the rest of my life. I have never once regretted my decision to move here or felt homesick.
Marie Jacobsen
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