Dealing with Stress while in College

Hello everyone! I am an international student from Brazil who is studying abroad here in Reno, Nevada. Even though I am very happy and motivated, this semester is driving me crazy. I have been eating a lot of chocolate, drinking too much coffee, and not getting enough sleep. Taking four sciences classes is not as easy as I thought, and I have to work hard to keep up with all homework, projects and tests assigned. The best part of all that is that I make friends; those friends are helping me go through this journey towards my computer sciences major. Summer is right on the corner, and I am ready to take a break at Lake Tahoe before summer class start on May 28th. [caption id="attachment_1726" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Studying with international friends[/caption] I want to leave a message for everyone that has a dream and is working towards it: “Keep working as hard as you can until it is done. If for some reason you think that you are not doing well enough, look around you and think about everything you learned; then, do it again. As humans, the most effective way of learning is by making mistakes and trying it yourself. So, think about your dreams every day because it will make a difference in the universe you are living and it will also affect your life positively. The first step of engaging in a real goal or dream, is to believe that you are able to achieve those objectives and that you can do it just as good as or better than anyone else.” [caption id="attachment_1728" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Taking pictures for the international student community[/caption] Next week I will be going to Lake Tahoe with some friends to relax and have fun. However, final projects and tests are due on the weekend after that, so I will be spending a day over there. There is nothing like waking up earlier in the morning and stopping by a breakfast place on the way to the lake. [caption id="attachment_1730" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
International students[/caption] I hope students whom are reading this blog remember to take their time to enjoy life while studying and working hard towards objectives. I wish a wonderful summer to everyone, and I will be back with more information about this wonderful experience of studying abroad in the U.S.
Newton Cazzaro is an international student from Brazil studying at Truckee Meadows Community College.
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