From Northwest College: Interview with international student Bilal

What is your name and your country?
Bilal Madjour, from Algeria
What is the name of your university or program institution?
What is your level of education and field of study (for example, senior, majoring in chemical engineering)?
Sophomore, majoring in Engineering Design and Architectural Drafting Technology.
Why did you decide to study in the USA?
Being an exchange/international student offers you many opportunities: first of all, to discover and gives a better understanding for yourself and your own culture because being abroad you get different perspective to see yourself. Also it’s an opportunity to learn more from others from other cultures and backgrounds all over the world, it’s the chance to share what you have different with many other people and make them learn about you and more about your country or culture.
Why did you choose this particular college or university? What attracted you about your school? What is special about your school and its location?
I was one of the four Students represent Algeria in NESA UGRAD 2013/2014, The Near East, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa Undergraduate Exchange Program (NESA UGRAD) is a cultural and academic exchange program, managed by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by World Learning, which provides a substantive exchange experience for emerging student leaders from underrepresented sectors of the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa for one year of undergraduate, non-degree studies at accredited two- and four-year US colleges and universities.
For me, as an alumni for NESA UGRAD exchange cultural program 2013/2014 edition, I’ve applied for this program with no desire for a specific college or area in the US but with a goal of being an exchange student to learn better, since it’s all a one country. Maybe you can ask me why this country, the US, yes because it’s one of the most diverse countries in the world and the US offers a high educational system what allows me to meet all these people from different backgrounds and have the opportunity to go further in my higher education and my career as well.
The reason I came back to Northwest College after I finished my Exchange Program period for the second year is seeking my degree, is the spirit I found in this small town and all the relationships I’ve built here in Powell, where I always felt like it’s home for me here in the US. Yes, the people here made it great for us, the calm & safe town such Powell allows you to enjoy it more and more. And also as a big fun of nature and outdoor activities, Wyoming is the best choice to do that.
What do you like best about your program or university?
I really like the small number of students on class, and all the dicussions, conversations going on during the class time. The classes are so fun, because of the teachers I think.
What do you miss most about home?
I miss my Family members: My Dad and Mom most and of course Maha, Maher, Wadia, Zeyneb, Amina, Ayoub & Marouaaaa!!!
What was your biggest surprise about U.S. life and education?
My surprise was Powell, Wyoming. Which I ended up loving it, where many many people don’t have the chance to see this beautiful side of the US country.
... your biggest disappointment?
No time/space for disappointments, it’s enjoyable.
How have you handled: ... language differences?
Actually, my English level (as a forth language) first time I got here wasn’t that good, but I did and still doing my best in order to improve it, and I can see the difference now.
... finances?
Great, my family is always there for me, huge love for them.
... adjusting to a different educational system?
The educational system was different but it never was difficult. It’s organized, enjoyable and so useful. It’s builder by the learning process.
What are your activities? (clubs, sports, student associations, travel, homestay programs, special activities or trips sponsored by your program)
I’m a Resident Assistant at Cody Hall, NWC. Also a member of the Multicultural-Club & Enactus, a student assistant at Hinckley Library.
How easy or difficult is making friends in the USA?
It was easy for me to make friends and relationships here. With all these great people and the wide diversity.
What are your career goals? How is your U.S. education relevant to your personal goals and to the needs of your country?
I’m seeking higher degrees on my major: Architecture, what will allows me to have a very good background to experience a professional career. After that, I probably go back home to Algeria and continue building, achieving more for both me and Algeria.
What is your advice to other students from your country who are considering a U.S. education?
I find the US as a great chance for anyone who’s looking for a professional career, everyone who wants to make his/her life and the world a better place to live in and share all together. It’s very variable and multi chance country to be part of, gives you plenty of opportunities to go further and achieve more and leads you to a great level.
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