wins APEX Special Purpose Websites Award!

June 9, 2014 Seattle, WA
Study in the USA, the industry leader in bringing U.S. education information to international students, has won an APEX Special Purpose Websites Award for!
Renait Stephens, CEO and Creative Director of Study in the USA, has been named as recipient of the award by APEX Awards and their sponsor, Communications Concepts, Inc.
About Renait Stephens
In her 10 years at Study in the USA, Ms. Stephens has gone from contract worker to CEO and Creative Director. Drawing on her graphic design experience, she is the creative director and content manager for the website and the magazines. As CEO, Stephens oversees company marketing, partnerships and budget. Born in England, Renait Stephens first studied Economics at the University of London before then becoming an international student herself. She graduated with a degree in Anthropology and Visual Art from Evergreen College in Washington State. As a former international student, two-passport holder and world traveler, Renait loves what Study in the USA facilitates: the sharing of cultures and the development of understanding and tolerance.
About the APEX Awards
The APEX Awards for Publication Excellence is an annual competition for publishers, editors, writers and designers who create print, Web, electronic and social media. Communications Concepts, Inc. sponsors the APEX Awards, and advises professionals who write, edit and manage business communications, on best strategies and practices. Concepts publishes business communication reports, including Writer's Web Watch, an e-report for professional communicators, and special reports on topics such as corporate writing and Web publishing. In the Twenty-sixth Annual APEX Awards, awards were given in 122 individual categories, within 11 main categories including: newsletters; magazines, journals and tabloids; annual reports; print media; electronic media; social media; websites; campaigns, programs and plans; writing; design and illustration; and one-of-a-kind publications.
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