Raphael Lucas Vidotti from Brazil: Studying Civil Engineering at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Meet Students of the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program
Through the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program, thousands of Brazil’s brightest students in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are given the opportunity to study at some of the world’s finest universities. Scholarship recipients spend one year of study abroad and then complete their degrees at Brazilian institutions. The United States is currently hosting nearly 2,000 students from the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program. Meet some the students studying in the USA!
Raphael Lucas Vidotti, from Centro Universitario da FEI, is a senior studying Civil Engineering at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Why did you decide to apply for the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program in the USA?
It was a unique opportunity to study in one of the world's best universities. I would be able to maintain close contact with competitive educational systems closely related to technology and innovation. The professional skills I could acquire and develop while studying abroad would certainly be of great importance for the technological advancement in my country.
The Brazil Scientific Mobility Program places students at universities. Where were you placed?
I am the best civil engineering student of my Brazilian university, and when I was at the event to receive one of my academic merit certificates the president of FEI told me that I had great chances to do well in the program.
The Institute of International Education—partner institution of the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program in the U.S.—that chose Rutgers. I loved it. I would be studying in an excellent and respected university, and in a cool location just half hour from NYC.
What do you like best?
I like the American teaching style. Here the classes look like lectures and most teachers provide the presentations and other resources online, leaving us free to pay as much attention as we can in their lessons and to ask questions.
What was your biggest surprise?
I had no big surprise about U.S. life and education because I am a fan of American movies and I know a few people who lived and studied in the U.S.
... your biggest disappointment?
The health system is very expensive.
How is your U.S. education and the Brazil Scientific Mobility Program relevant to your personal goals and to the needs of your country?
I have a well-defined goal of becoming a successful executive in up to 20 years. My U.S. education and the Scientific Mobility Program are helping me figure out which area of civil engineering I like most. After that, I will attend specialization courses in that area, and after some work experience I plan to get a MBA degree. Then, as a businessman I expect to have many opportunities to foster the development of my country.
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