
Study Washington

Why Study in Washington State?

Washington State is a favorite choice for international students and professionals looking for a high-quality and affordable education. Washington State offers education in a safe, clean and friendly environment. Washington is famous for its natural beauty, opportunities for outdoor adventure, and lively music scene.

In Washington State you will find a program for every educational need, from technical training to doctoral programs. Choose from more than forty public and private universities, four-year colleges, two-year community colleges and English language schools. Each school makes it easy for students to transfer between programs to build a successful educational and professional career.

The state of Washington has many exciting features:

Washington State has something for everyone!

For a complete list of activities, events, pictures and exciting places to visit in the State of Washington go to: 

Educational Programs to fit your Academic & Career Goals!

Member Schools

Public University's and Independent Colleges

Two-Year Schools - Community Colleges