Study Engineering: Mathematics and Civil Engineering in the USA
Хотите совпадать с программами Engineering: Mathematics и Civil Engineering?
Дайте нам знать, что вы ищете, чтобы мы могли найти лучшую школу для вас.
To earn your degree or certificate as an international student, you have your choice of all the top schools, colleges and universities in the USA that specialize in the best Engineering: Mathematics and Civil Engineering programs.
Study in the USA connects international students with U.S. schools and programs. Start your U.S. education adventure now.
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Проверьте эти учебные заведения

Dominican University
$45,000—$50,000 за год
программы изучения английского языка
Преддипломное обучение/4 года

Santa Rosa Junior College
$10,000 — $15,000 за год
Двухгодичный колледж – Программы 2+2
International Language Institute
Typical cost per Session: $500-$1,000
Certificate/Short Term
English Programs
Portland Community College
Typical cost per Year: $10,000 — $15,000
Certificate/Short Term
English Programs
2yr/Community College - 2+2 Programs

Truckee Meadows Community College
Typical cost per Semester: $5,000—$10,000
Bachelor Degree
Certificate/Short Term
English Programs
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