Student Voices

How to do Trick or Treating in America
 (When you are too old)

Halloween is a famous American tradition and with that comes trick or treating. I always wanted to do that in the United States. Unfortunately ever since I got here, everyone kept telling me I was way too old to go. This Halloween however I decided to ignore that and try anyways. Here are some tips on how to do go trick and treating in America when you are way too old!


Since everyone told me I was “too old” to go trick and treating, I decided to make myself a sign that said this was my first Halloween in America (this is actually my second but no one wanted to take me last year ). This way I wouldn’t have to explain myself at every single door.











Kayleigh de Vrij, from the Netherlands, attends Green River College in Auburn, Washington. She is majoring in Gender Studies. She intended to go to Green River College for nine months as a gap year experience but has extended her stay by six months to finish the Gender Studies program and to transfer to University College Roosevelt in the Netherlands.​
