Student Voices

International Student Admissions: Checking things off the list!

This is the time of year when the spring, almost summer air is filled with graduation excitement. For students in secondary school, they have graduated to the next grade (level) and moved up in the social hierarchy. The graduating high school seniors, it's an exhilarating time. They have reached an important milestone and whether it be true or not, are considered adults. If you are an international student that has been applying to U.S. schools then these feelings may be all too familiar to you.

Are you checking the mail everyday, hoping to find a thick envelope with your admission acceptance letter enclosed?! If you have been going through the application process it can be easy to lose focus with all the excitement. You've nearly completed everything! The New York Times posted a great admission checklist for the month of May. Here are some of the highlights, as well as my tips...


You did it! 
