Student Voices

From Student Blogger An: First Blog Article

I'm An Okada from Japan. I'm a senior at Sonoma State University in California and I'm majoring English Literature. I transferred from Lakeland College Japan to Sonoma State last year. 

I am the person who likes to challenge different things. Since coming to Sonoma State, I have worked at Center for International Education as a student ambassador, promoting studying abroad on campus. During winter break, I joined Alternative Spring Breaks trip and was a part of volunteer activities for sustainability in Humboldt County. My hobbies are dancing and traveling.

I'm so excited to write for the blog because I just like writing in English. Last semester, I was interning at Sonoma State Center for Community Engagement and writing a blog about events at Sonoma State and its community. I really liked this internship and I really wanted to keep my blog! Also, because I would like to become a television broadcaster or a journalist in the future, I thought writing a blog is the best opportunity for me to improve my skills for my goal. 

In conclusion, this is my first blog article and I'm a little bit nervous now. But, at the same time, I'm so excited to write about many different topics of my California school life! Thank you for reading this article! 

An Okada from Japan is a senior majoring in English Literature at Sonoma State University in California. 
