Student Voices

Challenge Yourself to Learn New Things in the New Year!

By Vera Reed

Every new year offers several ways to clean the slate, and reinvent yourself.  This year is no different.  There are plenty of ways to dare yourself, and learn new things.

This is especially true for students who have traveled abroad to the United States.  Foreign students have several opportunities to learn a multitude of new things.

The first thing a foreign student often learns is the English language.  The words that make up our language come from many cultures, so it may be easy to learn some words.

However, because we have words based on so many different cultures, it can often become confusing.  As a result, it may be difficult to communicate at first.

Don’t worry.

Many schools that offer study-abroad programs have also given foreign students the opportunity to acclimate themselves within the community in which they learn.  

While some students have learned English in their native country, some of them still need some help.  ESL - or English as a Second Language - classes are offered at many learning institutions in order to help with the process.

Once the foreign students have a good understanding on how to communicate in their American community, they, then, have the skills to pursue any degree they wish.

After all, as with any American citizen, the possibilities are endless for all students.  All they have to do is explore their opportunities.

In fact, there are several careers that not only pay well.  These careers also allow future workers to use their creativity.

For example, video game designers learn several things in order to be successful.  While they learn how to code using computer languages like C++ and JavaScript, they have to learn several other skills.

Game designers also need to learn graphic design to create animation.  But, that’s not all.  Courses in storytelling (e.g., English and mythology) help designers to create a story behind the game - which is a must in today’s world of detailed games.

But, that’s only one option for the creative mind.

Students in the field of communication have a multitude of things to learn.  After all, a lot of things go into communicating.

They need to learn laws behind the communication process.  After all, committing libel or slander - both of which entail making false statements - is prohibited by law.  There are also many other laws to learn.

Writing is also important.  Journalists have to learn the Associated Press-style of writing.  With practice, though, it becomes easy.

But, there’s more.

Communications students learn how to be creative by learning graphic design, history, culture, and a variety of other subject.  Doing so allows them to communicate stories in print, and on broadcast news.  However, it also allows them to be effective in public relations.

Public relations staff are the ones that know how to craft a message in order to help promote their business.  As a result, potential customers pay attention to the company more often, and start buying their product.

But, being successful in this field often involves more than communicating and computer skills.  You need to understand how to relate to people - hence the term “public relations”.

In 2017, that often means a knowledge of the different social media outlets.  No longer is a simple television commercial, or newspaper ad, sufficient.

Public relations staff must know how to effectively communicate their message on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all the other social media.  After all, some customers may use one or the other.  

The main focus should be reaching the biggest audience.  It requires spreading the message across all social media.

But, even if they choose another field, students - from America and abroad - have several options to use their creative skills.  There is no limit to what they can choose.  All they have to do is explore, and pick the one they want.


Vera Marie Reed is freelance writer living in Glendale, California. This mother of two specializes in education and parenting content. When she’s not delivering expert advice, you can find her reading, writing, arts, going to museums and doing craft projects with her children.
