

The field of Robotics is growing, with more applications being found in various areas of daily life. The dictionary defines robotics as,

“the use of computer-controlled robots to perform manual tasks, especially on an assembly line” (

The design, construction, operation, and application of robots involves the study of various forms of engineering (mechanical and electronic), applied physics, as well as computer science. Technological advances have led to the development of robots not only for businesses, but also for public service and military use. For example, robots can assist with hazardous jobs such as bomb and mine diffusion.

Engineering and Robotics studies are being added to various school curriculums on an ongoing basis and are popular electives. Many schools incorporate local, regional and state competitions in their coursework to allow students to work together as a team on the design, building, and testing of a robot. They also frequently work with a local company who sponsors the school team and provides expert advice.

