
ELS Language Centers

在 ELS Language Centers 學習英語的同時,您可以吸收不同的文化、傳統和風俗。透過實際融入美國語言與文化,體驗一種截然不同的生活方式。結交來自世界各地的新朋友,與他們共同分享學習經驗。

遍及美國 61 處授課地點

在 ELS Language Centers 學習英語的同時,您可以吸收不同的文化、傳統和風俗。透過實際融入美國語言與文化,體驗一種截然不同的生活方式。結交來自世界各地的新朋友,與他們共同分享學習經驗。

自 1961 年以來,ELS 已幫助來自全球 143 個國家和地區的 1200 萬國際學生快速和有效地學習英語 - 幫助他們實現個人和專業的目標。在美國 ELS Language Centers 學習英語將是您一生中最精彩、最令人難忘的經驗之一。精通英語將為您提供通往教育、商業及個人發展之無限機會的重要通行證。


ELS Language Centers 由其各運作地點所在國的主管機關所認可。

在美國的ELS Language Centers已通過進修教育與訓練認證協會(Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training, ACCET)的認證,該委員會是美國教育部指定的全國認證機構。ELS已獲得批准,可提供下列課程:密集課程、半密集課程、TOEFLiBT®完全應試準備課程、美國遊學課程、商務英語課程、CELTA、TEFL及特別課程。本校由聯邦法律授權,可招收非移民外國學生。



對於希望獲得海外學院或大學錄取的學生, ELS學術英語課程可以提供您所需要的英語能力和學術技巧以達到您的目標。完成課程的 112級並且取得超過650個學院和大學肯定的正式證書,即確認您已達到獲得錄取所需的英語語言熟練度。

  • 申請我們 650 多所 ELS 夥伴學校,以取得條件式錄取
  • 獲得一次免費條件式入學申請我們的任何一所主辦大學(Host Institutions)
  • 在 ELS 學習時可免費獲得大學諮詢服務
  • 收到一份學業成績單
  • 獲得一份結業證書,該證書可滿足 650 多所 ELS 合作學校中任何一所學校的英語要求


備註:列出的所有費用都是針對 2018 年每期 4 週的課程。

  • 學費:$1840 是每四週為一期的上課費用
  • 申請手續費:US $175
  • 健康保險:US $155(每 4 週為一期)
  • 材料費和技術費:US $95(每 4 週為一期)
  • 食宿費用:視語言中心地點和住宿類型而定


一般英語課程(General English Program)結合聽、說、讀、寫與特定的技能提升課程(SECs),為每一名學生打造獨一無二的英語學習計劃。

早上四節課注重以英語進行有效溝通的必要技能:聽、說、讀、寫。下午兩節「技能提升課程」(Skills Enhancement Classes)讓您在交流式輕鬆自然的環境中應用所學英語技能,就適合您個人興趣的話題進行交談。樣本主題可能包括成語、電影、時事和文化等。


備註:列出的所有費用都是針對 2018 年每期 4 週的課程。

  • 學費:$1680 是每四週為一期的上課費用
  • 申請手續費:US $175
  • 健康保險:US $155(每 4 週為一期)
  • 材料費和技術費:US $95(每 4 週為一期)
  • 食宿費用:視語言中心地點和住宿類型而定





備註:列出的所有費用都是針對 2018 年每期 4 週的課程。

  • 學費:$1410 是每四週為一期的上課費用
  • 申請手續費:US $175
  • 健康保險:US $155(每 4 週為一期)
  • 材料費和技術費:US $95(每 4 週為一期)
  • 食宿費用:視語言中心地點和住宿類型而定

瀏覽我們的 ELS青少年假期學習課程


$1,000—$2,000 期


Afiiliation icon



Top Programs icon


學術英語, 普通英語課程

Type of school icon



  • 學校規模

  • 學生

  • 宗教信仰

    No Affiliation
  • 為國際學生設立的獎學金

  • 提供條件式錄取

  • 環境

    城市, 小鎮/大學城, 市郊, 農村
  • 鑒定和認證

    ACCET 認證
  • 住宿類型

    宿舍大樓, 寄宿家庭, 公寓, 宿舍

Many locations NJ
Study English! Explore! Many locations, NJ

成為最好的自己ELS Language Centers


Academic English Programs

English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

The English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Program is designed for students who want to attend a college or university outside of their home countries or for any student who wants to attain the highest level of English proficiency in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Through the EAP Program, you will learn listening, speaking, reading, writing, pronunciation, and grammar. You will also get the skills you need to be successful in a university setting, including:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Presentations/ Public Speaking
  • Note-taking
  • Academic Research

Our morning classes consist of:

  • Structure and Speaking Practice or Language Studies
  • Vocabulary Enrichment (Levels 101 – 109) OR Skills Enhancement Classes (Masters levels only)
  • One lesson in our Language Technology Center (LTC)

Afternoon classes consist of reading and writing. If you complete Level 112 and want to continue to study in Masters levels, you may do so. Our Masters curriculum gives you opportunities to challenge yourself and grow even more in your English proficiency without repeating any content you studied before.

Successfully completing Level 112 of the ELS English for Academic Purposes Program earns you a Certificate of Completion accepted as proof of English proficiency at more than 650 colleges and universities worldwide. Many two-year schools will accept Level 109.

Vacation English Programs

ELS Language Experience+ (LE+)

ELS Language Experience+ challenges you to create a flexible English-learning experience as unique as you are. Improve your everyday conversational skills while immersing yourself in activities and new cultural experiences in fascinating U.S. cities. Study for 3 or 6 hours per day, stay for 2 weeks or 24 weeks – the choice is yours. Learn English on your terms, at your pace, and on your schedule.


Choose your length of stay, classroom hours, and additional activities based on what works for your schedule, and your budget.

Classes offered:

Everyday English: Get conversation-confident. This essential class within ELS Language Experience+ gives you the skills you need to speak casually in everyday situations with ease and accuracy.

Grammar in Action: To speak well and to be understood, you’ll need to be precise and accurate. Learn the building blocks of the English language that help you seamlessly transition from the classroom to the real world.

Digital Expression: Use your developing English skills to connect to the digital world through a project you propose and customize based on your interests. You’ll learn to express yourself using digital media platforms like blogs, podcasts, and social media.

Discover and Discuss: Confidently share your thoughts and opinions on current topics. This discussion-based class focuses on contemporary subjects such as artificial intelligence, environmentalism, global citizenship, and more. Stay current, and join the conversation.

American Explorer Program:

If you plan to take a vacation and want to improve your English skills while you are traveling, consider our American Explorer program, which consists of three classes each morning (15 classes per week), focusing on:

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Pronunciation
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar

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