East Los Angeles College

東洛杉磯學院(ELAC)是一所全方位的轉學社區學院,為加州洛杉磯的聖蓋博谷地區提供服務。ELAC 獲得西部學校和學院協會(Western Association of Schools and Colleges)完全認可。該學院擁有 60 多年的悠久傳統,致力於在一個安全舒適的學術學習環境中提供優質教育。東洛杉磯學院擁有超過 25,000 名學生,校園占地 82 英畝,曾是 1984 年奧運會的場地之一。校內設施齊全,配備採用最新科技的空調教室、完善的研究圖書館、免費...

東洛杉磯學院(East Los Angeles College)概覽

東洛杉磯學院(ELAC)是一所全方位的轉學社區學院,為加州洛杉磯的聖蓋博谷地區提供服務。ELAC 獲得西部學校和學院協會(Western Association of Schools and Colleges)完全認可。該學院擁有 60 多年的悠久傳統,致力於在一個安全舒適的學術學習環境中提供優質教育。東洛杉磯學院擁有超過 25,000 名學生,校園占地 82 英畝,曾是 1984 年奧運會的場地之一。校內設施齊全,配備採用最新科技的空調教室、完善的研究圖書館、免費的學生上網服務、書店、大學轉學中心、員警部門、健身中心、學生公園、學生娛樂中心、表演藝術中心、室內游泳池以及男女體育館。

East Los Angeles College



ELAC 交通便利,坐落於寧靜安全的蒙特利公園市,這是一個多元文化的郊區城市,距離洛杉磯市中心、南加州海灘和許多文化娛樂景點都很近。學院周圍有餐廳、速食店、咖啡店和購物場所,從校園步行即可到達。南加州以其舒適宜人的氣候和美麗的風景而聞名。這個地區全年晴空萬里,陽光明媚,氣候溫和。夏季氣溫最高在攝氏 30 度左右,冬季降至攝氏 21 度左右。

East Los Angeles College



ELAC 被譽為加州和美國領先的兩年制社區學院之一,擁有不同凡響的國際學生轉學率,學生被加州大學洛杉磯分校、加州大學柏克萊分校和南加州大學錄取。本學院以經濟實惠的學費提供前兩年的通識教育、文科或理科副學士學位,學生在大學完成最後兩年的四年制學士學位。學院設有一個特別的榮譽課程,旨在幫助優秀的學生獲得加州大學洛杉磯分校和其他頂尖大學的優先錄取。學院的大學轉學中心(University Transfer Center)設有負責與所有大學聯絡的校內代表,提供轉學準備協助並安排參觀頂尖大學,進行實地訪問。學院設有工程、工商管理、註冊護士(RN)、電腦科學等 60 多個主修課程。所有轉學主修課程都可以在東洛杉磯學院修讀。


學生可以根據校園評估分班結果註冊 ESL 課程。ELAC 提供多元化的 ESL 課程,包括寫作、口語交流和閱讀技巧。ESL 課程旨在幫助的國際新生培養優異的英語技能,以便在學業上取得進一步的成功。


ELAC 有來自 20 多個國家/地區的 200 多名國際學生。學院為國際學生提供免費的綜合支援服務,包括輔導、心理諮詢、住房轉介、校園就業機會等。學院還援助許多校際男子和女子運動隊。所有大學生都有資格獲得數百項基於學業成績的續讀學生和轉學獎學金。


ELAC 整年皆允許入學為期十五週的學期課程,包括秋季(8 月至 12 月)和春季(2 月至 6 月)。學院還可提供在冬季(1 月)和夏季(7 月)註冊的選擇。對於學術課程,ELAC 要求托福 450 分(IBT 45 分)或雅思 5.0 分或 iTEP 3.5 分,或官方 Eikent 2A 級以上。學費每年不到 12,000 美元,生活費用在蒙特利公園市的生活費用也是可以負擔得起的。大多數國際學生住在大學出租房周圍的經濟實惠的公寓裡,或者與美國家庭一起寄宿。所有這些都在步行距離內,若乘坐公共交通,也在合理的通勤時間內。


Shogo Okuma(日本)當我第一次來到美國留學時,我知道如果我提高了我的溝通和寫作能力,我返回家鄉時,將會有很好的機會能找到工作並且獲得成功。我得到的支持和友誼使我在課堂上有非常好的表現,我以優異的成績轉學到加州州立大學多明格斯山分校。

Leung Ching Hei(香港)我的父母非常希望我去美國加州大學(UC)的分校讀書。我在東洛杉磯學院完成了榮譽課程,我被加州大學柏克萊分校、加州大學洛杉磯分校和加州大學爾灣分校三所分校錄取。

聯絡 East Los Angeles College 現在


$10,000 — $15,000 學期


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Chinese Traditional, 數學, 經濟學

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  • 學校規模

  • 學生

  • 宗教信仰

    No Affiliation
  • 為國際學生設立的獎學金

  • 提供條件式錄取

  • 環境

    城市, 市郊
  • 鑒定和認證

  • 住宿類型

    寄宿家庭, 公寓
  • 測驗成績

    托福: 45+, iTEP: 3.4, 多鄰國: 80+, 雅思: Band 4.5+

Monterey Park CA
1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez Monterey Park, CA

成為最好的自己East Los Angeles College

Student Interview

An interview with Tran, Huy from Vietnam, who attended East Los Angeles College and now studies for a Master of Engineering – Structural Design.

Why did you decide to study in the America?

America has the top universities and East Los Angeles College is in California which has some of the highest ranked university in the U.S.A. ELAC has a special transfer agreement (2 plus ) with all the major universities in California and across the United States. East Los Angeles College was the key to helping me adjust to the American education system.

Why did you choose this college?

East Los Angeles College has many major to choose from, and they are known for my major of engineering. I found the sunshine weather in Los Angeles very easy to adjust to and the smaller class sizes at ELAC allowed me to get direct assistance from my professor. The college counselor and university transfer center provided me with guidance on the top universities I could transfer to for my major.

What do you like best?

The environment at East Los Angeles College made me feel very comfortable. Students come from many different backgrounds and we all respect each others culture. ELAC had a special Honors program for top students, and this made my transfer application better.

What do you miss most?

I miss my family’s cooking the most and the Vietnamese holidays. I am able to buy Vietnamese food here and Los Angeles also celebrates holidays like TET, but I still miss my family and homeland.

What was your biggest surprise?

The people of the United States of America are very nice. I admit, I thought Americans are like the people in the movies. It was easy to make friends at East Los Angeles College and the teachers also were considerate and patient to explain things carefully to me.

...your biggest disappointment?

The food here in America is very different than my hometown. I believe I even gain some weight, but it is worth the knowledge I gain.

What are your activities?

Playing chess in the chess club, a student club. East Los Angeles College has many student clubs and opportunity to do community volunteer work. East Los Angeles College has an international student club in which has monthly meeting around American holidays. This is where I learn about Thanksgiving, Christmas and other American traditions. During the vacation time I have been able to go the beach, learn how to ski in the mountains and go exploring in the desert, all within an hour or two of my home.

How easy is making friends?

East Los Angeles College has the students work together in group projects which made it easier for me to get to know new people. My new best friends I meet here in the United States were my classmates at ELAC. The college students are very nice and friendly and I learned how to be more confident in myself and make many new friends.

How relevant is your U.S. education to your personal goals and to the needs of your country?

In the United States you can work legally after your degree, for practical training. I am currently learning valuable work experience. After I finish my training, then I’ll come back to my country to apply the knowledge that I have learnt here in order to develop and improve my country infrastructure and economic growth.


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