East Los Angeles College
东洛杉矶学院(ELAC)是一所综合性转学社区学院,为加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的圣盖博谷地区提供服务。ELAC 获得西部学校和学院协会(Western Association of Schools and Colleges)完全认可。该学院拥有 60 多年的悠久传统,致力于在安全舒适的一个学术学习环境中提供优质教育。东洛杉矶学院拥有超过 25,000 名学生,校园占地 82 英亩,曾是 1984 年奥运会的场地之一。校内设施齐全,配备采用最新科技的空调教室、完善的研究图书馆...
东洛杉矶学院(East Los Angeles College)概览
东洛杉矶学院(ELAC)是一所综合性转学社区学院,为加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的圣盖博谷地区提供服务。ELAC 获得西部学校和学院协会(Western Association of Schools and Colleges)完全认可。该学院拥有 60 多年的悠久传统,致力于在安全舒适的一个学术学习环境中提供优质教育。东洛杉矶学院拥有超过 25,000 名学生,校园占地 82 英亩,曾是 1984 年奥运会的场地之一。校内设施齐全,配备采用最新科技的空调教室、完善的研究图书馆、免费的学生上网服务、书店、大学转学中心、警察部门、健身中心、学生公园、学生娱乐中心、表演艺术中心、室内游泳池以及男女体育馆。
ELAC 交通便利,坐落于宁静安全的蒙特利公园市,这是一个多元文化的郊区城市,距离洛杉矶市中心、南加州海滩和许多文化娱乐景点都很近。学院周围有餐厅、快餐店、咖啡店和购物场所,从校园步行即可到达。南加州以其舒适宜人的气候和美丽的风景而闻名。这个地区全年晴空万里,阳光明媚,气候温和。夏季气温最高在 30 摄氏度左右,冬季降至 21 摄氏度左右。
ELAC 被誉为加州和美国领先的两年制社区学院之一,拥有出色的国际学生转学率,学生被加州大学洛杉矶分校、加州大学伯克利分校和南加州大学录取。本学院以经济实惠的学费提供前两年的通识教育、文科或理科副学士学位,学生在大学完成最后两年的四年制学士学位。学院设有一个特别的荣誉课程,旨在帮助优秀的学生获得加州大学洛杉矶分校和其他顶尖大学的优先录取。学院的大学转学中心(University Transfer Center)设有负责与所有大学联系的校内代表,提供转学准备协助并安排参观顶尖大学,进行实地考察。学院设有工程、工商管理、注册护士(RN)、计算机科学等 60 多个专业。所有转学专业都可以在东洛杉矶学院修读。
学生可以根据校园评估分班结果注册 ESL 课程。ELAC 提供多样化的 ESL 课程,包括写作、口语交流和阅读技巧。ESL 课程旨在帮助的国际新生培养强大的英语技能,以便在学业上取得进一步的成功。
ELAC 有来自 20 多个国家/地区的 200 多名国际学生。学院为留学生提供免费的综合支持服务,包括辅导、心理咨询、住房推荐、校园就业机会等。学院还支持许多校际男子和女子运动队。所有大学生都有资格获得数百项基于学业成绩的续读学生和转学奖学金。
ELAC 允许全年入学,包括秋季(8 月至 12 月)和春季(2 月至 6 月)。学院还可选择在冬季(1 月)和夏季(7 月)注册。对于学术课程,ELAC 要求托福 450 分(IBT 45 分)或雅思 5.0 分或 iTEP 3.5 分,或官方 Eikent 2A 级以上。学费每年不到 12,000 美元,生活费用在蒙特利公园市的生活费用也是可以负担得起的。大多数国际学生住在大学出租房周围的经济实惠的公寓里,或者与美国家庭一起寄宿。所有这些都在步行距离内,若乘坐公共交通,也在合理的通勤时间内。
Shogo Okuma(日本)当我第一次来到美国留学时,我知道如果我提高了我的沟通和写作能力,我返回家乡时,将会有很好的机会能找到工作并且获得成功。我得到的支持和友谊使我在课堂上有非常好的表现,我以优异的成绩转学到加州州立大学多明格斯山分校。
Leung Ching Hei(香港)我的父母非常希望我去美国加州大学(UC)的分校读书。我在东洛杉矶学院完成了荣誉课程,我被加州大学伯克利分校、加州大学洛杉矶分校和加州大学欧文分校三所分校录取。
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1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez Monterey Park, CA成为最好的自己East Los Angeles College
Student Interview
An interview with Tran, Huy from Vietnam, who attended East Los Angeles College and now studies for a Master of Engineering – Structural Design.
Why did you decide to study in the America?
America has the top universities and East Los Angeles College is in California which has some of the highest ranked university in the U.S.A. ELAC has a special transfer agreement (2 plus ) with all the major universities in California and across the United States. East Los Angeles College was the key to helping me adjust to the American education system.
Why did you choose this college?
East Los Angeles College has many major to choose from, and they are known for my major of engineering. I found the sunshine weather in Los Angeles very easy to adjust to and the smaller class sizes at ELAC allowed me to get direct assistance from my professor. The college counselor and university transfer center provided me with guidance on the top universities I could transfer to for my major.
What do you like best?
The environment at East Los Angeles College made me feel very comfortable. Students come from many different backgrounds and we all respect each others culture. ELAC had a special Honors program for top students, and this made my transfer application better.
What do you miss most?
I miss my family’s cooking the most and the Vietnamese holidays. I am able to buy Vietnamese food here and Los Angeles also celebrates holidays like TET, but I still miss my family and homeland.
What was your biggest surprise?
The people of the United States of America are very nice. I admit, I thought Americans are like the people in the movies. It was easy to make friends at East Los Angeles College and the teachers also were considerate and patient to explain things carefully to me.
...your biggest disappointment?
The food here in America is very different than my hometown. I believe I even gain some weight, but it is worth the knowledge I gain.
What are your activities?
Playing chess in the chess club, a student club. East Los Angeles College has many student clubs and opportunity to do community volunteer work. East Los Angeles College has an international student club in which has monthly meeting around American holidays. This is where I learn about Thanksgiving, Christmas and other American traditions. During the vacation time I have been able to go the beach, learn how to ski in the mountains and go exploring in the desert, all within an hour or two of my home.
How easy is making friends?
East Los Angeles College has the students work together in group projects which made it easier for me to get to know new people. My new best friends I meet here in the United States were my classmates at ELAC. The college students are very nice and friendly and I learned how to be more confident in myself and make many new friends.
How relevant is your U.S. education to your personal goals and to the needs of your country?
In the United States you can work legally after your degree, for practical training. I am currently learning valuable work experience. After I finish my training, then I’ll come back to my country to apply the knowledge that I have learnt here in order to develop and improve my country infrastructure and economic growth.
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