Missouri Southern State University Offers Automatic Scholarships for International Students

Incoming international students to Missouri Southern can automatically qualify for scholarship money.
How do I qualify for a scholarship?
Great news for study abroad students starting at Missouri Southern State University! Incoming international freshmen who have a GPA of 2.75 or better and who meet the English proficiency requirement automatically qualify for a $5,500 scholarship, and international transfer students can automatically qualify for $5,500 in scholarship money provided they have a 3.0 GPA or greater and transfer in at least 24 credit hours.
Additionally, the university is awarding a one-time, automatic $1,000 scholarship to international freshmen who meet the minimum GPA requirement of 2.25 and meet the English proficiency requirement. These scholarships are stackable with other scholarships, such as athletic scholarships, Foundation scholarships, and outside scholarships students may be awarded.
Is tuition affordable for me?
With Missouri Southern’s already low-cost tuition, these new scholarships are sure to make continuing your education as an international student even more affordable, especially if funding your education has been challenging.
“We are super excited to be able to offer these scholarships,” says Stephanie Davis Goad, senior coordinator of international admissions at Missouri Southern. “We really hope it will make a difference in easing the financial burden for these students.”
Is Missouri Southern a good place to study abroad?
Missouri Southern boasts approximately 150 international students from nearly 40 countries and an international club that provides numerous activities and services for study abroad students. The university provides a robust orientation to set you up for a successful college career, a friendship family program where you can connect with a local family, and strong support from the international advising office.
Goad says the scholarship program for international students is part of the university’s international mission and its commitment to serving study abroad students.
“These scholarships are brand new, something we have never been able to offer before, so we are proud to have the opportunity to help international students fund their education and hope they will choose to join our Lion Pride family when they see how much we have to offer and how much we want to help them succeed. We are actually putting our money where our mouth is.”
What are my next scholarship steps?
For more information on Missouri Southern State University’s automatic scholarships that you may be eligible for, explore the details here.
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