Manhattan College: An American Academic Experience in the Heart of New York City

Redefine an excellent educational program at Manhattan College and experience an American college life like no other. Our picture-perfect NYC campus will surely take your breath away as you start planning your promising career with the unparalleled opportunities surrounding you.
Apply now to our International Pathway Program (IPP), where you can hone your English language skills needed to communicate effectively while gaining Manhattan College credit. Completing IPP will grant you admission to our highly competitive undergraduate programs.
Features of the International Pathway Program:
One-semester or two-semester Programs
One application process for Manhattan College and the Pathway Program
Three start dates per year
Completion satisfies Manhattan College’s undergraduate English proficiency requirement.
Available for any undergraduate major
Students take for-credit Manhattan College classes concurrently with IELP classes.
Students earn up to nine college credits while in the program.
Our International Pathway Program gives students like you a clear and achievable path to the American college experience at one of the most highly ranked schools in the U.S. Here are some of the resources you can check to know more about the IPP admission and visa requirements, and the program costs and calendar.
Eloisa Nailon
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