Student Voices

How International Students Benefit from Studying Theatre in the USA

Important reasons why you should study theater at Lane Community College

Studying theatre is invaluable for developing language and interpersonal communications skills. It is a vital skill for students who wish to create their own content for use on social media as a way to break into the performance industry or as a way to establish a professional presence online. 

Helping your career

Studying theatre also helps with personal confidence and professional "soft skills" that employers across the world are looking for including problem-solving, creative thinking, and small group communication. It is an excellent way to connect with what it means to be a human in a world in which empathy, beauty, and connections are necessary for our survival.

Creative collaboration

Studying Theatre and Acting helps international students immerse themselves in the program of study. Theatre and Acting require students to work much more closely with each other than in other academic fields.

Creating community

Students who study Theatre and Acting spend many hours in class and in rehearsal together and make lifelong connections with their fellow students. You can become part of a strong and closely connected community, which allows you to fully immerse yourself in the culture and language.

Life preparation

A degree in Theatre or Acting is an excellent degree to prepare students for a career in the field or in any other professional endeavor. You’ll be prepared for any career that requires analytical thinking, strong communication, and creative problem-solving.
