From Student Blogger, Aanchal: Community College Over Private Universities
Once upon a time, community college was said to be a last resort for students. Modern day choices have made the option of community colleges a lot more appealing for students nowadays. Not only is it convenient but also offers an intimate learning experience. Even from the prospect of an international student, I personally feel that studying in a community college helps you to save a lot while imbibing in you the same the American study culture. An array of courses and a prosperous team of faculty have made community college a better learning environment for me.
There are so many more advantages associated to community colleges;
Flexible Academic Structure:
Higher education with a wide learning space and so many options to explore makes it incredibly flexible for the students. Also, the academic structure of community colleges helps students who are uncertain about their career choice and gives them exposure to so many courses. All the art and STEM courses are offered here at Truckee Meadows. Professional certificates and courses needed by job seekers are available too.
Paying tuition has always been a pain- especially for out-of-state and international students. Where private colleges charge a whopping estimate of 15-17 grand per semester, community colleges can be chosen as a rescue option. They charge approximately half of what private universities do. College fees have always been a hassle that puts you into a debt or traps you into loan repayments. Isn’t it hard to deal with financial crisis while going to school and even after graduating? Studying seems a lot more strenuous with so many other aspects to cater to.
Community colleges offer financial aid as well. Reduced course fee plus an aid! What more does it need to reduce all that stress? Not only does it offer a sigh of relief but at the same time you gain the same amount of credits at a way lower cost. Financial aid is not only for a 4-year domestic college student but to some certain level it has also been made available to international students. It takes the merit of a student in consideration and also offers scholarships. There might not be a lot of options for the undergrad internationals but definitely the gradate or the masters’ level education seekers have a lot more options to unfold.
Smaller class size and online class option:
Community colleges have a tedious enrollment line. They do not have gigantic class sizes. A smaller class population makes it so convenient for students to communicate and also for teachers to impart more knowledge and cater to an individual’s struggles. The classroom community prospers with a wider learning opportunity for all. This is indeed a plus for students who like to learn at their own pace and ask plenty of questions as they go. Also, there are so many courses offered each semester and quite a few of them have been made available online. The students who work or have another class clashing can always take up a class online. It’s easy, advanced and is made available each semester.
Aanchal Tangri from India is pursuing a degree in English at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, Nevada.
Aanchal Tangri
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