From Student Blogger, Aanchal: Spring Break Ideas
Here we are right in the middle of the spring semester and the most exciting week is approaching: spring break. We are welcoming the spring season. With the clock changing back and the sunlight pouring in more, we as students will get a break when we can refresh ourselves and rejuvenate our energy.
Break being around the corner; I honestly have a lot of plans lined up. With the pressure of homework and routine assignments, there were things I wanted to indulge in but had to give up on because of the time crunch. Now is the time when I can unveil all of my spring plans. The beauty in the valley around is already prospering with the snow melting and buds forming. The nature is enlightening our moods and the winter’s lazy bug is trying to make a distance now. spring season brings with it a lot of beauty, brightness and prosperity.
Spring break is the perfect time to explore the nearby towns or cities. Last spring, I visited the most happening city in California- San Francisco. Honestly, I feel that was a great decision because it was the perfect time to visit the crowded Bay Area. Especially in the summer, the city is heavily packed with tourists and jam-packed with the vehicle rush, but spring was a pretty decent time to explore all the sites of San Francisco.
I went there with a couple other female friends of mine. We wanted to view the picturesque sites of the city. It was a great chance to spend some quality time with my Indian friends who live in other U.S. states, as well. Both of them flew down to San Francisco and I got there by the Greyhound bus lines. San Francisco is merely 4 hours away from Reno and the Greyhound bus lines connect you pretty comfortably to your destination. We rented a place via Airbnb and enlisted all the places we wanted to see. Being tourists, the first 2 days we explored the city in a bus and the next 2 days we toured around in a rental car.
The first spot we hit was the Golden Gate Bridge. Tall stands this spectacular site where quite a few Indian movies were filmed. We were thrilled to get our pictures clicked at this beautiful bridge. Next was the Twins Peaks- a view from where you can behold the entire city of San Francisco. It was quite chilly there due to the higher elevation. During the trip we were excited to try the popular ethnic cuisines in the Bay Area and relish the delicacies with utter fulfillment. Next in line was the big Ghirardelli Chocolate factory where we saw a large chocolate fountain when dining at one of the oldest Ghirardelli shops.
We started the next day with a site tour of the famous historical museum of art that had sprawling botanical beauty all around. Later that night we experienced the cable car ride along the Union Square. Union Square is a big shopping square and is very popular in California. We only shopped a couple souvenirs and indulged in a bit of window shopping.
The next day we toured Alcatraz Island. We ferried over and saw this historic island that held many prisoners captive as early as the 1850s. Coming back from the shore we viewed the famous “snake street” also known as Lombard Street. It had an awesome view from the tail of the street to the top. The entire street and the curves can be seen standing at one point at the bottom where Lombard starts.
Now was the time to rent a car and explore the city driving. We went on a beautiful Pacific drive along the Bay. There are tiny little islands that you can view in the distance. These structures amidst sparkling blue water looked spectacular. We could not stop capturing all these natural fantasies. We also went to see the popular sites of the city that entertained us with innumerable amusements.
Short trips like these can be planned with ease but there are things you need to check out beforehand. Properly planning the entire itinerary of your trip will make it more convenient and budget friendly.
First make sure the entire trip is safe. Even while renting a car, have your valid license and insurance ready and updated. Try to go and look into any specific rules of the particular city you are travelling to. Often at our age we are prone to drink and eat things in an experimental way. Do not forget that you are in a foreign nation and playing with their laws could jeopardize your visa status and stay in the country.
Also, try to research about things in advance. Surf all the sites in that area and enlist the ones that interest you. Figure out the best ways to get there and the things you should do there. Comparing prices while booking a hotel or a renting a house is beneficial. Make a budget and stick to it. Look for accommodations and car rentals in the decided budget. Focus more on exploring and experiencing and less on buying stuff or shopping unnecessary brands.
Coming back from a short and well planned vacation fills up your heart with cherish able memories and freshness in mind to get back to school and start with a revived energy. Planning your trip in advance will make it go smoothly and hassle-free. This Spring I have planned a visit to Portland. I shall share that experience in my next blog. Safe and happy travels!
Aanchal Tangri from India is pursuing degree in English at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, Nevada.
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