5 Benefits of Summer Language School in the USA

Contrary to popular belief, U.S. universities don’t close their campuses during the summer vacation. The regular students are not there, but the universities are open for students who want to attend summer school. These programs are particularly attractive to foreign students, who want to become fluent in English while getting fully immersed in the American culture and experiencing an exciting learning environment.
Why would you possibly consider going to the USA for a summer language program?
There are tons of benefits that you’ll get. We’ll list 5 of the most important ones.
1. These Are Intensive Language Programs, Which Help You Master English Faster
When you go to a summer language school in the USA, your main goal will be to improve your English skills. Period. You may choose among the top schools, colleges, and universities that specialize in these intensive courses. You’ll launch yourself into an intensive learning environment and you’ll meet plenty of students from all around the world. They all come to USA with the same purpose to mind, so you’ll support each other on this journey.
The intensive program will include more classes and homework time than you might assume for a summer school. You might need to rely on professional writing services like Rush My Essay at first. The fact that you’ll be challenged to learn more is a huge advantage. If you plan to continue your education in the USA, this summer program will be crucial for your future.
2. Full Immersion
When you’re learning English the usual way, you’re in your comfort zone. You can slip back into the safety net of your native language at any time. That won’t be an option when you go to a summer language school in the USA. English will be the only language you use, so you’ll have to figure out how to express yourself even when you don’t know all the words.
It’s no wonder why immersion is the most recommended language-learning technique.
You’ll listen to English wherever you go. You’ll see English in written everywhere around. Through this full immersion, you’ll get familiar with the structures and patterns of the language. You’ll understand how native speakers use it and you’ll be a huge step closer to fluency.
3. It Will Boost Your Self-Confidence
The mere fact that you’ve been accepted to a summer learning program in a U.S. university is enough to make you more confident as a student. These are highly competitive programs with applicants from all around the world. Only the most successful applicants get to attend.
This course will look great in your portfolio. If you intend to enroll in a top-rated university in future, the international summer language course will certainly make a good impression. It shows that you’re able to make great efforts in order to achieve the goals you’re after.
The fact that it’s an intensive learning program is also a confidence boost. You’ll be pushed to express yourself in English. Although that may be hard at first, you’ll have no other choice but to blend in. With time and effort, you’ll overcome the initial blockade and you’ll start speaking without being worried about making mistakes. You’ll just go with the flow!
4. It’s An Affordable Way to Learn and Explore
Summer English programs in the USA are relatively affordable. A standard course of 5-8 weeks will cost around $300 per week. That price includes housing and food. Can you imagine exploring the USA for such an affordable price? If you go to a vacation in any country, you’ll spend much more money per week, and you won’t get the learning experience that these programs offer.
If your country is providing scholarships for talented students who want to attend summer schools in the USA, you will basically get this rewarding experience for free.
5. You Get to Have Lots of Fun
Although learning is the main purpose, the summer school curriculum is still much more relaxed than the traditional college curriculum. You’ll be part of innovative class activities, which are based on teamwork. You’ll have an opportunity to interact with bright students from all around the world. Everyone will have a cool story to share, and everyone will be excited to hear yourstories. You’ll get to attend special events and parties. Let’s not forget the fact that you’ll also explore a great American city, depending on your location.
You will use your developing English language skills to connect with your classmates in person, but you’ll also take part in digital projects. You’ll stay in touch with all friends you make, so you’ll keep practicing English long after the program is over.
Most of all, you’ll take in a new culture, which will fascinate you with its diverse perspectives. The food, the music, the traditions, the social atmosphere… everything is coolin the United States. This will be an experience of a lifetime.
Overall, becoming part of a summer language school in the USA is all about gaining experience. You get immersed in the natural environment of the language, and you’ll get endless opportunities to become a more fluent speaker. These are intensive programs, which expose you to at least three hours of classes every day. You’ll learn plenty of vocabulary and grammar throughout that time. This type of course usually covers more material than a traditional one, but that’s not the only reason why it’s more effective. It’s all about the setting. Use this opportunity; you’ll benefit a lot from it!
Brandon Stanley is a professional independent journalist. He is interested in writing articles concerning education and language learning. Apart from that, Brandon loves traveling and playing the piano. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
Brandon Stanley
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