7 Steps to Manage the University Application Process

Applying to college or university is one of the most stressful processes that you’ve probably ever gone through, It can feel like it’s been going on ever since you started high school, and the infinite tests, papers, and interviews may make it feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. One thing that’s for sure is the fact that once you get into your dream or university, the whole procedure is suddenly worth it. To try and get through to the end stages of your application with your sanity intact, you can follow the 7 steps below.
1. Start Early and Make a Schedule
When you start the admissions process early on, it’s easy to stay on top of everything, as you can set your own deadlines that are compatible with your schoolwork. Making a schedule is essential as different schools and stages of the application have different deadline dates. Making a schedule ensures you won’t miss a deadline and ruin your chances of getting into the school you want.
2. Know What They Want
It’s imperative to know the exact requirements for every tool, and double check them at all stages. Before you send off any application, you need to make sure you have every single thing on their check list and that you have it in the right format. If you send an incomplete application then you may be rejected, or at least delayed.
3. Proof Read Everything
When you send everything to college, you are trying to make the best possible impression. The essays you send, your resume, your letter of motivation all have to be absolutely perfect. The following tools can help you with your admissions essays and your papers:
- Easy Word Counter – college essays and applications have exact requirements when it comes to the length of documents you send it. Use this website when you want to make sure that you are within their requirements.
- Academized - finding the right writing style for a college application is half the battle, and this website can help you produce the perfect essay.
- Common App - save yourself time by using this one application to send to a lot of colleges, without having to repeat yourself and go through the whole process over and over again.
- Paper Fellows - you can find great advice in forums and improve your grammar by browsing through this website.
- Big Assignments - have an expert edit or proofread everything you send as part of your application so you can feel confident and know you’ve represented yourself well.
- Citation Generator - when you’re finishing high school the last thing you have time for is spending hours referencing, this website makes that a lot quicker and easier.
- Assignment Help - it can be hard to know where to begin when you’re writing, however the guides here can help you get started.
4. Pick Good Recommendations
It’s always best to choose someone who knows you well and can provide and individual recommendation, rather than someone who sounds impressive but would be generic.
5. Be Realistic
Ivy League Schools are great, but try and stay aware of the bigger picture. There are plenty of good schools that aren’t Ivy League, and try to focus on a good fit, not just something that will look good.
6. Don’t Be Afraid To Be Yourself
You may think you have the typically perfect essay, but you don’t want to blur into the masses. Be original and be yourself if you want to stand out from the crowd.
7. Find Scholarships
University is expensive, so finding scholarships early is essential if you want to be able to relax and have a good time throughout school.
This can be the best few years of your life, and it’s well worth going through this tough application process in order to get there. Stay organised to stay on top!
Mary Walton is a professional editor currently living in Santa Monica. She's starting educational blog Simple Grad to share her thoughts on education and writing. Follow Mary on Twitter and Linkedin!
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