Six Ways International Student Health Insurance Can Help You

Studying in another country is an exciting and life-changing experience, but before you go, there’s much to do to prepare. One of the most important things to consider is enrolling in a student health insurance plan that will provide coverage in your destination country. USI Travel Insurance Services offers Study USA Healthcare for students who will study in a country other than their home country (whether you will study in the United States or any other country).
Check out our list below to learn how Study USA Healthcare international student health insurance can help you:
1. An injury or illness can happen anytime, anywhere, and health insurance can help by covering eligible expenses.
Health coverage is a must at any age in any country. Accidents and illness are unpredictable, and often costly without insurance to cover eligible expenses. The Study USA Healthcare plan offers four plan levels depending on your coverage needs and budget, providing up to $500,000* for injury and illness coverage. (*maximum limit for Platinum plan level.)
2. Even with vaccines, you can still be diagnosed with Covid-19 and you may need coverage for treatment.
Some insurance plans may exclude coverage for Covid-19. You’ll want to make sure your student health insurance will cover Covid-19 as any other sickness, including for medically necessary diagnostic tests and treatment.
3. If you are sick or injured and need to be transported to a different facility for treatment, a medical evacuation may cost $30,000 or more if you must pay out-of-pocket.
The idea of being stuck in a hospital that is unable to provide necessary treatment can be scary to many people. If you’re studying in another country and require a transfer for medical care to a facility that can adequately meet your healthcare needs, make sure you have a plan with Emergency Medical Evacuation coverage to help cover your costs.
4. Even though you’re away from home, you may want to continue to get your annual routine medical exam.
Three of our plan levels will cover 100% of one routine physical exam per year. As Ben Franklin said in 1736, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This is true for medical care today. While you’re in another country, make sure you take care of yourself with a routine medical exam to keep yourself healthy and on top of your game.
5. If needed, get coverage for certain vaccines or for playing school sports.
Our Platinum plan level offers optional buy-ups for vaccine coverage and for intercollegiate, interscholastic, intramural and club sports. If you anticipate needing a vaccine while abroad, or if you plan to play sports, make sure you have coverage by adding one or both of these upgrades to your plans.
6. Bring a family member to you if you’re hospitalized in an emergency.
If you are hospitalized for more than 5 days as an inpatient with a life-threatening condition, or if you experience an Emergency Medical Evacuation, the plan may cover the cost of a relative to fly to be with you. The Emergency Reunion benefit limit ($1,500 - $5,000, depending on the plan level selected) will also cover reasonable costs for lodging and meals for up to 15 days.
For more information about how Study USA Healthcare can help you, or to get a free quote, visit
USI Healthcare
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