Julissa Carrillo is majoring in hospitality and tourism management at North Dakota State University
By Julissa Carrillo
Why did you decide to study in the USA?
I knew I wanted to study in the U.S. since I was 10 years old. As I watched all the classic American high school movies, I fell in love with the idea of studying in the U.S., and ever since it became not only my dream but also my goal. I wanted to be able to give myself a higher chance of moving further with my goals in the future by coming to the U.S.
Why did you choose this particular college or university?
I chose North Dakota State University (NDSU) because I liked the campus a lot and I felt like I could make a home out of this place. I liked the community, and it felt like such a welcoming environment. It was also convenient and more affordable, plus they had my major as a major rather than a minor.
Have you taken any classes outside your major that you’ve enjoyed?
I had to take wellness, which has nothing to do with my major, and I really enjoyed the class and I learned a lot from that class. I truly liked it and would totally take it again.
What were some struggles you faced and how did you handle it?
Some struggles I faced were getting adjusted to the winter and understanding the American college system, since it is all so different. The weather problem was an easy fix by simply buying more coats and warm clothes. Then, I just made some close friends whom I could trust that would help me get adjusted.
What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite spot on campus is the high rises area. There are kids playing sports when it is nice outside, and there are always people walking back and it is nice to see new faces everyday.
What do you want to do after graduation?
I want to work in my field for a bit and make enough money. I would like to stay for a little longer in the U.S. after I graduate and before I go back home, so that I can get enough experience here to then take it back home with me and start from scratch a brand new hotel.
What are some of your summer plans?
During the summer, I am hoping to go back home to visit my family and be with them before coming back for school. Or, I have the desire of getting internships to start getting experience.
Does your university organize any fun events you’ve attended or are looking forward to?
Yes, NDSU is always trying to plan fun events. My favorite ones so far are the beginning and end of the year bashes. There is a lot of food and fun games, and it almost feels like a carnival.
Have you traveled around the U.S.? What were some of your favorite places, or where would you like to go?
Yes, I have. I have gone on many road trips with my friends, and I have traveled alone to explore the U.S. My all time favorite place ever is New York City. I want to go back during spring break again because it is a blast.
What is one of your favorite memories from your time as a student?
My favorite memories are when I meet new people. I love making friends and meeting new friends. I also really enjoy the memories you make when you go downtown with your friends because it is really pretty.
Describe your experience in three words.
Eye opening experience
What would you tell students who are considering studying in the USA?
I would completely recommend it . It is an unforgettable experience that allows you to grow as a person and expand your knowledge. You learn more than just about school. You get to experience a different culture and become a part of them. It is definitely challenging and scary at times, but it helps you build character and become more independent. It is a beautiful experience.
Julissa Carrillo
Julissa Carrillo is majoring in hospitality and tourism management at North Dakota State University.
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