A Day in A Life of a Felician Student

By Tiara Rawlins
Hey, everyone, my name is Tiara! I'm a student at Felician University, and I'm a senior within the psychology field. And here's a little clip of what I do on a Tuesday here at Felician.
My Not-So-Long Mornings
My day starts at 7:30 a.m. My mornings are normally slow starting since mornings aren't my favorites.☺️ To wake myself up a little more, I go for a 20-minute run and come back to the dorms to take a quick shower. Around this time my suitemates start to wake up, so we have small conversations then I realize that I have work and don't have that much time to talk.
So, I continue to get dressed so I can go to the cafe to get breakfast, which is rare for me — sometimes I skip that meal. By the time I'm done with all my morning routines, it’s time to start heading to work. I start work at 9:00 a.m. and work until 1:00 p.m.
Work Time!!
I work at the International Office here at Felician University. My work normally consists of me answering emails, answering calls, and helping people who may work into the office, as well as helping my bosses whenever they need it.
After Work Fun
After work I normally start on my homework. On Wednesdays I'll do my homework until 2:30 because my class starts at 2:30 p.m. My day normally ends around 6:00 p.m. After all the hard work is done, I go on the Felician IG page and see what events are being held that day. These events are all on Zoom (due to COVID for now) and normally last an hour. Some of the events are DIY, cooking, and for Women's History Month I went to a Zoom panel. My night normally ends around 10:00 p.m. when I fall asleep with the TV on.
Good night!
Tiara Rawlins
Tiara Rawlins is a senior majoring in psychology at Felician University. Her goal after college is to become a child psychologist and help as many people as possible. What she loves the most about Felician is the efforts the professors and staff put in to make students feel welcomed and like they have a voice on campus.
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