MBA Programs in the USA

If you are an international student or professional seeking an MBA you should consider the United States. American MBA programs are world renowned for giving students a competitive edge in the business world through excellent education, diverse specialized programs and unparalleled networking opportunities and resources.
There are over a thousand MBA programs in the U.S. You will find an array of options to fit just about any need—from specialized degrees to unique programs geared toward international students.
Diversity of MBA Programs
Most American business schools-regardless of the major focus-will train you in the principles of general business management. These principles include a combination of accounting, economics, finance, marketing and statistics, among other topics. American universities also offer a wealth of specialized M.B.A. programs and classes to tailor your degree. Depending on your intended career goals, you'll find programs that offer a more focused approach, including business administration, finance, human resources, information technology, marketing, nonprofit administration, and more.
Theory in Practice
At every level, the American higher education system is different. Foundational principles and theories must be taught, but they are only mastered through practice. MBA programs in the United States strongly reflect this teaching philosophy. You will examine real-world case studies and business scenarios in order to devise strategies, business plans, budgets, etc. These types of projects will prepare you for real-life business situations and to approach them with practical knowledge.
“In logistics management class, we had case studies to discuss: Ford company, HP, Ralph Lauren, and so on. We assumed that we were managers and analyzed the problems and solutions. We applied strategies that we learned from the textbook to solve problems. This is a very good part,” explains Boonpa Ing-Anuraksakul, from Thailand, studying Logistics Management at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, Nevada.
The majority of MBA programs will have an internship requirement. Internships are an excellent way to really explore your future career and apply your studies. The companies for which you intern are thriving businesses and you will be working in a fast-paced environment. They will have professional expectations of you.
While internships provide you with a practical learning environment, they are a prime setting for networking. Networking is one of the most powerful tools for your career. While you are an intern, take advantage of the opportunity to meet and network with current professionals. They may help you get a job or be your future colleagues.
“An internship is a requirement in my curriculum. I believe this is helpful because the college encourages students to apply the skills outside the classroom and develop experience in the real world before graduating,” says Heejoong Kim, from Korea, studying Management and Marketing at Loyola University New Orleans.
An internship will not only give you valuable experience, you will find that having a reputable American company listed on your resume will be invaluable.
“When I graduate with my MBA, I will be competing in a very global job market. Having experience interacting with people from different cultures I believe will give me an edge in the professional world,” stated Juri Adrianto, from Indonesia, an MBA student in Information Systems at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey.
University of Arkansas
Supply chain management is one of the fastest growing business specialties across the globe. The Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas has created a Supply chain management department where MBA students specialize in this popular career.
In fact, the majority of international students in the Walton MBA choose to specialize in Supply Chain due to the quickly expanding global job market in the field and the international reputation of the faculty. MBA Supply Chain majors study subjects such as modeling, forecasting, transportation strategies and global logistics.The Walton College MBA program also allows them to customize the program with special workshops such as Negotiation Skills, Networking, RFID technologies and Advanced Access. The program also provides one-on-one personal coaching in resume writing, job interview skills, salary negotiations and how to create the best first impression.
Laura Browne
Laura Browne is Associate Director of Marketing at Golden Gate University
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Check Out These Schools

Cascadia College
$1,000—$5,000 Quarter

Truckee Meadows Community College
$5,000—$10,000 Semester
Johnson & Wales Univ RI NC FL CO

Portland Community College
Typical cost per Year: $10,000 — $15,000
International Language Institute
Typical cost per Session: $500-$1,000

Southwestern Community College District
Typical cost per Semester: $5,000—$10,000
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