3 Tips for Making New Friends as an International Student

Living and studying in the USA can be a big adjustment for many international students. Not only are international students removed from their home country, they are also away from their group of friends that speak the same language and have the same culture. Here are three tips for making new friends as an international student:
Be Open to New Experiences
Experiencing a different culture can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Allow yourself to be open to new experiences and ideas. The best way to do this is to put yourself in different situations where you can meet new people. You can do this by joining clubs or extracurricular activities that you find interesting. There are tons of clubs at each college or university. For instance, if you’ve always wanted to try skiing, join the ski and snowboard club. You’ll get to encounter a whole new experience and make some new friends along the way.
Donating your time to a charitable cause is another brilliant way to make friends, and it is very fulfilling. There are many organizations that can use volunteers to help with their cause. There are charities ranging from dogs to the environment. Your student organization is a great resource for finding volunteer opportunities. Also, a simple google search can help you find an organization.
Host A Dinner
Invite some friends from your classes or clubs to come over for a cooked dinner of your country’s authentic cuisine. This is will allow you to share your country’s culture and cuisine with your new friends!
Brianna Burrows
By Brianna Burrows
Brianna Burrows is a freelance marketing specialist and alumna of Northeastern University. She specializes in event management, social media management, and content branding. Follow her on Twitter here.
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