روابط مفيدة ومعلومات نافعة

مصادر إنترنت أخرى
معلومات عامة مفيدة
الإنجليزية كلغة ثانية
English as a Second Language home page
The American Association of Intensive English Programs
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc.
Read and Pronounce English with the Nardagani Reading Program
تمويل دراستك
The Financial Aid Information Page
International Education Financial Aid - scholarship and grant information for international students.
International Education Finance Corporation - information on loans for international students from selected countries.
Sport-scholarships.com - Athletic scholarships in the USA
International SAT preparation and tutoring
College Prep; SAT and ACT Test Preparation Tips and Resources
Educational Testing Service (ETS) home page
IELTS: International English Testing System
The GMAT® Graduate Management Admission Test
The SAT® Program of the College Board
Pearson Test of English Academic
GRE® (Graduate Record Examinations®)
TestDEN - Online practice for TOEFL
UExcel®, a credit-by-exam program
استشارات تعليمية
United States Department of State, International Information Programs
United States Department of State, Visa Services, Student Visas
Mobility International USA: A resource for people with disabilities
Professional College Consulting of America
التأمين ضد السفر
International Student Insurance
برامج التبادل
Youth For Understanding home page
American Institute For Foreign Study (AIFS)
دراسة الخدمات
التعليم اون لاين والشهادات
360 Education Solutions
360 Education Solutions is an advocate group for higher education. Specialized in locating the education program to match unique needs.
Online Associates Degrees
Associates degrees programs from accredited online colleges and much, much more are available
الإقامة الداخلية
وكالات استشارية مفيدة حول العالم
[ الأمريكيتين ]
Grupo Gales Educacion Internacional
Centro de Consejería Educativa, Fulbright Colombia
Lenguas Educational Counseling
EducationUSA Information and Advising Center Cochabamba
Centro Cultural Boliviano Americano CBA
ICCE – Intercâmbio Cultural e Cursos no Exterior - Sua Agencia de Intercâmbio no Brasil
Inter Americano - Educational & Business Center (EBC), Curitiba, Parana
High Connections - Em português
جمهورية الدومينيكان
Educational Counseling Office (ECO)
Center for International Education, UEES
Educational Counseling Office (ECO)
EducationUSA Advising Office, Centro Cultural Salvadoreno Americano, San Salvador
[ آسيا ]
Liaoning Huanxing Economic & Trade Educational Development Co., Ltd.
HGIEC - Hamilton Gregg International Educational Consulting
International Education Blueprint, Inc.
Admissions Study Abroad Center
هونج كونج
The Princeton Review Hong Kong
Korea Educational Information Center
PIRAX Overseas Education Consultant
Malaysian-American Commission on Educational Exchange (MACEE)
Duc Anh Centre for International Study
IDC Vietnam International Development Company
Lincoln Management Consultants Co.
[ أوروبا ]
The Fulbright Foundation in Greece
Fulbright Educational Advising Center-Hungary
Centro Informagiovani - Comune di Genova
Actividades Educativas Culturales
International Institute of Languages
MONAT International Education Consultancy
a2 International Education Fairs
International Education Fairs of Turkey
[ الشرق الأوسط ]
Riyadh Community College, Saudi Arabia
Modern Language Center, Amman, Jordan
Study in the USA ®
تطابق مع أفضل البرامج لك
أخبرنا بما تبحث عنه حتى نتمكن من العثور على أفضل مدرسة لك.
مقالات مفيدة
تحقق على هذه المدارس

Southwestern Community College District
$5,000—$10,000 فصل دراسي نصف سنوي

East Tennessee State University
$25,000—$30,000 عام

Glendale Community College
Typical cost per Year: $5,000—$10,000

Santa Rosa Junior College
Typical cost per Year: $10,000 — $15,000
Portland Community College
Typical cost per Year: $10,000 — $15,000
إبدأ مغامرتك في الولايات المتحدة مع الدراسة في الولايات المتحدة

تعرف على معلومات حول تمويل التعليم والإسكان في الولايات المتحدة والمزيد
تعرف على الثقافة والتعليم الأمريكي مباشرة من خبرائنا في الدراسة في Study in the USA الدراسة في الولايات المتحدة. إقرأ أكثر